Acampo/Portsdown4 Software

Acampo/Portsdown 4 Transmitter Software

The software that runs the Acampo Version of the Portsdown Tranmitter is based on current RASPBERRY PI OS software. This software is basically taken from an existing "KNOWN STABLE" version of the Portsdown 4 Software. Our team has taken the SD Card and simply copied the contents through existing Linux Tools to create and SD Card image that can be written to a new SD Card using the WinDiskImage32 program that is run from most Windows based OS's.
This website is only applicable to the Acampo Portsdown 4 Transmitter version of the Portsdown 4 Transmitter.

I have built a new copy of that moves the ID and location to the bottom of the screen.

A.SH instructions:
    Login to your /home/pi directory on your raspberry pi
    Then type or paste the following: wget
    Then type of paste the following: chmod +x
    Then type of paste the following: ./

This will back-up your current file and install this file in place of the original file
Reboot your Raspberry Pi computer, the changes will now be displayed when you transmit